Essential Discourse With Bruce Smith

Honest Review What is a Man Series

Good afternoon.

I'm giving you my honest opinion. But I thought it was a bit "preachy ". I feel it came off that way because of the use of all the Bible references and your delivery. I'm not saying your message was bad. But I think some people may not want to hear a "lecture" or a "sermon" during their leisure time.

Now I know this was the 1st installment of the series (and I look forward to hearing what you have next), but I think you need other people to bounce off of. You said all this started because of private conversations. Key word being "conversations". You need that back & forth dialogue to get a different view/perception of the type.

I hope you can find some men to join in with you, because it's an excellent topic. Especially this day & age when masculinity is at a crossroad.
Maybe you could have an episode with a Heterosexual male, Gay male, Flamboyant Gay male, and or a Transgender male. And have them discuss what being a "man" is to them. What is the difference between being a man and masculinity?

I hope this helps you in some way. I love you and want nothing but the very best for you and your podcast. So keep going and don't let things get you down. Everything will work itself out.

Aug. 11, 2023 by Rouchelle Gage on Facebook

Essential Discourse With Bruce Smith